Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Pactice of Management - 1401 Words

The practice of management is very ancient, however the formal study of management is comparatively new. Management as a proper discipline developed after the tip of the nineteenth century. Nevertheless it should be admitted that management has been in existence since humankind became systematized into formal groups. It is very difficult to come up with a definition of management which could totally satisfy all professionals or skilled people or all management theorists. For a broad operating definition consider management as an activity that performs certain functions to obtain the effective acquisition, allocation, and utilization of human efforts and physical resources to accomplish some goal (Wren 2005, p. 3). Modern management has grown with the growth of social-economics and scientific institution. Nowadays workers do not work only for money. They work for satisfaction and happiness with sensible living style. These are the most vital issues now. Modern management explanation ( of why something works or happens the way it does) refers to highlighting the use of well-thought-out mathematical ways of doing things within the system with analyzing and understanding the inter-relationship of management and staff. Organizational efficiency and service quality can be increased through the implication of management theories. Today managers simply do not use a singular theory, infect they use a series of theories depending on the workplace, purpose and workforce. Still, fewShow MoreRelatedEssay on assessment 13669 Words   |  15 PagesShort Report on best pactice policies and processes for managing separation/termination: First of all I will undertake research to determine features of best practice systems of separation /termination and the legal requirements. After that I will consult with relevant managers prior to the introduction of new changes. Than I will develop policies, procedures and supporting documentation for all forms of separation/termination and will ensure procedures for dismissal or termination respect employeesRead MoreWork-Based Assignment - M3.03 Planning Change in the Workplace2001 Words   |  9 PagesAmount of time it takes to train staff and make them communicate with the Team | Opportunities | Threats | Improve the quality of the service offered to patients | Resistance to change by staff | Increase job satisfaction and time management for nursing assistants. | Lose experienced staff | Staff are able to develop their skills within the practice without having to go elsewhere to train | Lose older patients due to access issues | To open additional surgeries | Lack of advertisingRead MoreMotivation in Learning Englishl3449 Words   |  14 Pagesdifficulty in perceiving their progress and success they may well need the clarity that the setting of short-term goals, tasks etc. can give them. What my students say I remember the first days of my teacher ‘career’, when I met my colleagues, school management and students. Emotions and worries were overwhelming and the contact with ‘the real job’ made me turn back to the reasons I had had for choosing this profession and what had motivated me during the training years, and even the memory of my firstRead MoreSafeguarding Adults: Enabling Adults in Vulnerable Circumstances.6310 Words   |  26 Pagesnot with the case directly; I was disappointed that the review didnt highlight that the team were operating at only 70% of their agreed staffing quota and were not able to recruit to vacant posts. A factor that was wildly accepted by our senior management team and director, but failed to appear in the review. Whilst robust processes are essential for supporting practitioners through the process of adult protection, there is a risk of practitioners developing an uncritical approach to their practice

Monday, December 16, 2019

Fall of Ibm Free Essays

CASE 15: THE FALL OF IBM Justin Marc C. Tariman B. S. We will write a custom essay sample on Fall of Ibm or any similar topic only for you Order Now B. A. MKTG 4March 14, 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose The purpose of this case study analysis report to understand and formulate a set of actions for the case of a company that is experiencing rapid environment changes and difficulty in protecting its core business such as how IBM perceived its mainframes as king of computers. Problem IBM biggest problems include its huge size, highly bureaucratic decision making approach,and its management’s difficulty in accepting the fact mainframes become obsolete sooner. The company lost on its focus toward meeting the needs of customers and instead over-emphasizing the needs of the mainframes. Methods of Analysis Methods of analysis used in the case were S. W. O. T. Analysis and Porter’s 5 Forces of Industry Attractiveness to identify IBM’s competitive advantage in a rapid changing environment and where in particular area the company failed to achieve in maintaining its position as market leader. Alternative Course of Action Take advantage – Enter into systems integration, outsourcing, and consultancy services to fully provide a package of IT products and services. Sustain – Using IBM’s â€Å"contention† system to achieved scale economies in production and cost advantages. Build – Building competitive advantage on every division while maintaining interdependence among these divisions and prevent rivalry among these divisions. Avoid – Avoid building one-side selling on product lines by giving each division its own sales force instead of having a separate division for sales force. Recommendations It is recommended for IBM to ready its company in entering into systems integration, outsourcing, and consultancy services to fully provide a package of IT products and services. It’s a new business but it could greatly give more value on its products. This is also an advantage for IBM to used the size of its organization to outsource some of its resources to successfully create a niche in the industry. Outline of the Action Plan Objective |Activities |Targets |Resources |Indicators | |To enter into systems |Going into outsourcing and |Within 5 years, IBM will be |Research and development |The changes of demand in | |integration, outsourcing, |system integrations business|able to take lead in | |outsourcing | |and consultancy services to| |outsourcing and integrate |Talents and skills of IBM’s | | |fully provide a package of | |this business to other |employees |Market share | |IT products and services. | |product lines | | | | | | |Global divisions |Sha re of revenue earned from| | | | | |outsourcing and services. | | | | |IT infrastructures | | How to cite Fall of Ibm, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

College Fraternities Essay Thesis Example For Students

College Fraternities Essay Thesis College FraternitiesCollege fraternities have always struck me as being an organization ofguys who spend their time drinking beer and having their social gatherings(parties). Just moving to Austin recently (which is by no doubt a collegecity) has made me want to know more about the sole purpose of thesefraternities. For these reasons I chose to select this culture for my essay. The definition of a fraternity is defined as chiefly socialorganization of male college students, usually designated by Greek letters. (Morris 1982:523) This definition is not true to all where most fraternitymembers are seen as drunks who accomplish nothing scholastically or socially . Unfortunately, the definition and portrayal of the people fails to mention thefact that membership in a fraternity is a life-long experience that helps itsmembers develop social, organizational, and study skills, and also teaches true,everlasting friendship. As a matter of fact most of our presidents weremembers of a Greek organization. The first fraternity was founded for literary and social purposes atThe College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia on December 5th 1776.(Klepper 1937:24) Throughout the nineteenth century many new fraternities werefounded, but none of these were permanent. By the end of the nineteenth centurythere were over thirty general fraternities in the country. Todays fraternities still have the characteristics of past fraternities. These characteristics include a ritual, oaths of fidelity, a grip, a motto, abadge , friendship and comradeship (Klepper 1937:56) . During membership onemust learn leadership skills. For this reason fraternities embrace theseoffices held by members: President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Scribe, etc. Since membership is seen as a great achievement by other organizations, everybrother must be able to uphold that office at any time. Organization is a must for every member. Fund raising activities andcommunity service are priority in every chapter, and each member is requiredto take part in these activities as an act of pledge, and a brother. Thishelps a member to develop organization and planning. Living together in what isknown as a fraternity house adds to the development of social skills and beingable to live with different kinds of people in different situations. Fraternities are famous for their social gatherings (parties) which requiresall members to be socially active and also develop social skills. It is normal for fraternities to organize study groups during the schoolyear and before exams. Most fraternities keep test files and other study aidsavailable for the benefit of their members. A lot of members are able toreceive scholarships and awards based on academic excellence, leadership andpersonal achievement, this helps members build a better self-esteem. It is common for fraternity members to stay active after graduatingfrom college . It is a positive experience for the graduate member to keep incontact with new and old members of his chapter There is no better way to keepyoung than to associate with young people. (Abramson 1995) The number ofalumni can range from a few dozen to several thousand. There is a clear feelingof comradeship not only within the fraternity but between all members ofGreek organizations. In a field study of the Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity from FloridaInternational University, Brian Abramson found that you can find a catologue ofservices which that organization provides for the benefit of the greatercommunity through service projects it conducts every semester. Every fraternityhas its own special public service projects. For example Tau Epsilon Phiparticipates in Bowling for Kids Sake every spring, a tradition that beganseveral years ago. To keep the feeling of brotherhood every member must betrustworthy and be able to trust every one else, which makes the bond ofbrotherhood even stronger.(Abramson 1995)Unfortunately a lot of people overlook fraternities because of the ever-present rumors about hazing. Hazing is an action taken or situation createdintentionally to produce mental and or physical discomfort, emberassment,harassment, or ridicule.(Fraternity Executive Commission 1937) While someorganizations may choose to haze and humiliate the people who try to rush them, that is in no way an accurate portrayal of all Greeks. (Nykolaizsyn:1996:48) Hegoes on to point out that Greek life is not just about partying and drinking ,it helps build character, self-esteem, and life-friendships(Nykolaizsyn:1996:12)